The Concept of Accommodation.

Accommodation is the action and the effect of lodging or lodging (hosting, retiring). The most frequent use of the term is associated with the place where people stay overnight or camp, usually in the middle of a trip or during the holidays. Hotels, hostels and inns are types of accommodation.


  • "When we get to town, the first thing to do is look for a lodging to spend the night,"
  • "In view of the large number of people who traveled to South Africa to attend the tournament finals, several cities exhausted their lodgings,"
  • "Would you Mind giving me accommodation in your house? I just had A fight with my sisters and I don't feel like sleeping with them. "

The economic sector which includes all economic activities related to the provision of accommodation services is hospitality. These establishments offer services of various categories that are classified according to a number of stars. Star hotels are the most basic, while five-star hotels combine comfort and luxury.

At a broader level, human accommodation includes the notion of permanent residence (which can be a house inhabited by a family, an individual apartment, an orphanage, an elderly home, a collective residence for students, etc.). There are Also other types of temporary accommodations that don't have to do with hotels, like those people who are in prison or in a hospital.

The Web Hosting, lastly, is a service that consists of storing digital information (documents, images, videos, audios and other types of content) on a server that is accessible via the Internet.



The following words have a similar or identical meaning to ' accommodation ' and belong to the same grammatical category.

Synonyms of accommodation:

  • Abarracamento
  • Accommodation
  • Quartering
  • Hostel